

应自动化学院邀请,IEEE Fellow、伦敦国王学院H. K. Lam教授于2022年7月12日为我院教师和研究生讲学。欢迎自动化学院及全校相关教师、博士生、硕士生参加!

报告专家:H. K. Lam教授

报告题目:Intelligent Control and Machine Learning: Concepts and Applications



报告简介:This talk is to give an introduction to the integration of intelligent control and machine learning that will cover the concepts of open/closed-loop control systems/models. The idea of fuzzy logic will be introduced and its significance to the topic. Various applications ranging from robot control, drug administration to biomedical engineering problems will be introduced. It will demonstrate the concept that how to bring together intelligent control techniques and the machine learning algorithm for lab-based and practical applications.


H. K. Lam is a Reader, Department of Engineering, King's College London. He is an IEEE Fellow and Highly Cited Researcher. His research interests include intelligent control, computational intelligence and machine learning. He has authored/co-authored over 350 publications. He has served as a program chair, program committee member, international advisory board member, invited session chair and publication chair for various international conferences and a reviewer for various books, international journals and international conferences. He was an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs and is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Neurocomputing and Nonlinear Dynamics; and guest editor for a number of international journals. He is/was on the editorial board of Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical System, The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal, Cogent Engineering and International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control. He is a coeditor of two edited volumes: Control of Chaotic Nonlinear Circuits (World Scientific, 2009) and Computational Intelligence and Its Applications (World Scientific, 2012), and author/coauthor of three monographs: Stability Analysis of Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems (Springer, 2011), Polynomial Fuzzy Model Based Control Systems (Springer, 2016) and Analysis and Synthesis for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Model-Based Systems (Springer, 2016).